The Big Dip Part 2: Shakedown!
Before sailing off to foreign destinations it’s common to do a smaller “shakedown” trip, to ensure that your mechanical and emotional systems are in tip top condition. For this reason we chose to spend the summer sailing in BC before aiming south.
On May 20th, 8 days after departure we’d made it north as far as Powell River before the shakedown shook something loose. Specifically our cutlass bearing, a small brass and rubber gland in the stern of the boat which allows the propeller shaft to exit the boat and rotate freely. Installed by me, with love, just a few months earlier, the bearing was coming loose from its housing which would eventually lead to calamity. It turns out that love is an ineffective adhesive in the marine environment.

Fixing the issue required pulling the boat out of the water, which we did at Jack’s boatyard in Lund BC. Although the whole situation was stressful, we loved it there. Other boatyards we’ve visited in the civilized south will discourage you from sleeping aboard your vessel, digging holes under your boat, or urinating on tools left lying in the yard. None of that applied here. Jack’s boatyard exists in the wilderness and has not yet been tamed. It was a do-it-yourselfer’s paradise full of kind, colourful people, impressive homebuilt machinery, and well hydrated yard dogs.

After 3 days thoroughly neglecting our children the repair was made and we were back in the water. Mechanically sounder than ever before.
One thought on “The Big Dip Part 2: Shakedown!”
Wow…love this blog. Keep it coming.
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