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Month: September 2023

Ziggy, Sonrisa and Fiji

Ziggy, Sonrisa and Fiji

On September 6th there was some hot gossip flying around the anchorage at Savusavu in Fiji. Did you hear a police squad boarded a sailboat? Omg yes! They brought in the drug dog! I heard there were children aboard? Oh my heavens! Where was the boat from? Canada! Well that’s a sketchy nation, which boat was it? The boat was called… [glances around nervously, then whispers:] Mandolyn. We made it to Fiji! We’re not sure exactly what triggered the vice…

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Bumming rides in the Kingdom of Tonga

Bumming rides in the Kingdom of Tonga

We made it to Tonga! The only constitutional monarchy in the Pacific! But how did it get that way? Well, during the colonial period the expansionist nations of the world were treating Pacific islands like candy from a burst piƱata. Tongans were concerned and held an assembly to decide if they should accept ‘protection’ from one of these foreign powers. Tongan leader George Tupou 1 convinced the group that Tonga should skip the middlemen to accept protection directly, and exclusively,…

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