Summer review

Summer review

Well this blog was sorely neglected, but we’ve had a great summer. We moved back aboard the boat for 3 months and also moved from Gabriola to Salt Spring Island.

We sailed quite a bit, short one-night trips mostly, but we made an effort to look super cool when we were out there,

and we took some friends,

and we always ate a lot of snacks.

Summer baths were had in the cockpit (Where Nyah did her best Astro-Boy impression).

Some new favourite spots were discovered (top of the companionway ladder),

and we hung a trapeze up where our old jolly jumper had been to keep the monkeys occupied down below.

We also went ashore quite a bit, to visit the beach,

and dig through some slimy stuff,

and hunt for crabs,

with good success (sadly too small for dinner, although maybe enough of them could make some sort of appetizer?).

We went inland a bit too, to go camping,

and to attend a hillbilly pig roast (they would fit in well in the Ozarks I think).

So, now that fall has arrived we’ve moved into a small cottage for the winter where some of us will apparently spend most of our time sitting in this box.

Or possibly in this pile of leaves.

Happy Autumn!

3 thoughts on “Summer review

  1. I just found your website, from a link on, and I wanted to say how inspirational you four are! It’s my dream to one day have little ones on the boat with us… but for now just sailing with grown adults is challenge enough! Really love the feel & setup of your blog too… thanks for sharing with the world!
    – Leah, s/v Brio

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