Annual update
Just in case any one still checks on this very neglected corner of the web, I thought I’d put up a few photos to show how things are going around here.
The house is coming along and we hope to be in this fall.  Not that the RV has been bad, but I won’t miss having to get a kid up before I can turn their bed back into our table.
Here’s the current status (please focus on the lower right corner and not too much on the others).
The building inspector just signed off on the framing and ventilation and the wiring rough-in is also finished. Â With a big tip of our hats to our friend Mike, we also have fully tested and approved (by us and the inspector) rough-in plumbing. Â Cutting into the existing septic line wasn’t as bad as we feared, but the trench did require some extra persuasion.
On the bright side I had lots of help refilling and tamping down the sand in the trench after the pipes were in.
and just when one child laborer volunteer tired, another one was ready to step in.
The siding and roofing are in progress and we’ve found a drywall installer (whew) for later this summer.
Here’s Doug cutting some metal siding.
and who needs a playground when your family owns a set of scaffolding?!
On a non-house building note, we also acquired this beast (the one on the left) to keep life interesting.
See you in 2015!
3 thoughts on “Annual update”
Finally! The kids are adorable – happy he still likes pink – no sterotyping in your house.
Can’t wait to show him my Pink Edge!
Siding sure makes a huge difference – it really is going to be amazing.
Thanks for the update!!
Your place is looking amazing!
It has come along way from when you first bought it.
The kids have grown so much.
Thanks for the update.
Thank you….love the pictures and update!!
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